We are asking all Maryland residents to show their support for real climate justice solutions this election cycle.


CCAN Action Fund has chosen to endorse candidates across the state who will support increasing our state's use of clean electricty, ending subsidies for trash incineration, investing in underserved communities, increasing access to clean transportation and transportation alternatives, and ensuring that large clean energy projects use local, union labor.


To meet the threat of climate change, we need elected allies who are committed to our shared vision of climate justice and who will champion these policies in Annapolis and beyond.


Will you pledge to vote for climate champions in Maryland?


View our list of endorsed climate champions here!



Sign the pledge!

  • I pledge to register to vote 
  • I pledge to vote, either early or on election day
  • I pledge to make a plan to vote - whether it is by mail or in person. 
  • I pledge to make sure my friends and family members who can vote, do vote. 

This campaign is hosted by the CCAN Action Fund. We will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about this campaign and others.