Right now, big tech companies are requesting jaw-dropping amounts of electricity in Virginia. While many of these data centers are supporting technology that you and I might like to use, we can’t build new methane gas plants – or keep old, polluting coal plants online – to meet that demand if we want to transition to a zero-pollution electricity mix.

It’s simple: massive companies, which get huge tax breaks from the state, should be required to meet their electricity demands efficiently and with clean energy in order to qualify for those benefits. These companies have the cash and, sometimes, the intention of operating sustainably – we just need to make sure they make good on their green promises.

So email your state representatives today – no big tech tax breaks for pollution

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This campaign is hosted by CCAN Action Fund, advocacy arm of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN). We will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about this campaign and others.