Pass Community Access to Renewable Energy!

The Community Access to Renewable Energy package refers to a package of bills that will require utility companies to expand the use of local, renewable energy in Virginia and lower costs for consumers and businesses over the long term.

The Virginia General Assembly should give Virginians greater freedom over their energy, and pass the Community Access to Renewable Energy package. 

Lower energy costs for consumers

  • Increasing investments in clean energy and energy storage will allow Virginia to produce clean energy when it’s cheap and abundant, store it locally, and use it when we need it.
  • By giving Virginians more control over energy supply and costs, we make energy less expensive for Virginia consumers.

Enhance Virginia’s energy independence

  • Expanding our use of and harnessing local renewable energy allows us to produce energy here at home and therefore reduces Virginia’s reliance on foreign oil and gas.
  • By harnessing local energy solutions, Virginia ensures consumers aren’t beholden to foreign companies and gives Virginians more control over their energy.

Send this email. Tell YOUR lawmakers to vote YES on HB 1883/SB 1040, HB 2346/SB 1100, and HB 2356/SB 853!

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